Cuban Filmmaker Lilo Vilaplana Talks Discusses Tragedy of Communism.
Art and politics are interlinked. In fact, they often influence each other. The key variable in separating political art from ideological propaganda is the element of freedom in the case of a free society or the adverse risk of free expression in despotic regimes. Lilo Vilaplana, an award-winning Cuban-born television director and screenwriter, has had a successful career living in exile.
In Colombia, Vilaplana directed, among many other meritorious works, the television series El Capo, which earned him, in 2010, the Indias Catalina Award for best director. However, it has been in Miami, the capital of the Cuban nation in exile, where, by his own admission, he has done his best work.
First, directing the Legends of Exile, an epic series that brought to the television screen the lives of many prominent Cuban freedom fighters and historical figures of the war of liberation waged by Cuban exiles against the Castro-Communist dictatorship throughout more than six decades of Marxist tyranny, Vilaplana set a standard of excellence and rendered a great service to the purposes of historic preservation. This original project of Miami-based WJAN-CD America Tevé (Channel 41) has been widely applauded for its unique and factual characterization of heroic episodes in Cuba‘s struggle for freedom.
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