The Biden COVID Plan: A Wish List for The Democratic Party.
The left has a formidable custom of distorting language to fit their ideological goals. Some would say it has become an art.
The House of Representatives passed on Wednesday a reconciled version of the dubbed American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 or H. R. 1319. Contrary to its stated label, The COVID relief bill is a massive bail-out for the Democratic governors that dragged their left-wing states to the ground.
Between $350 to $400 billion will go to the distressed coffers of Democratic states like New York, California, and New Jersey–the three top beneficiaries of this pillaging of federal public funds to fill in for the gross mismanagement errors of their elected officials and bureaucracies. This rewards the horrific, statist policies that normally accompany failed leftist policies. The three named states are the country’s aberration basket cases. But they are not alone.
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