Gender Reassignment: Biological, Ideological, and Economic Implications
The discussion on gender reassignment has intensified in recent decades, integrating biological, psychological, and social aspects. We will analyze why biological gender is unalterable, the motivations underlying gender transition treatments, the neo-Marxist ideologies that influence it, and the economic dynamics that operate in this area. Different perspectives will be explored, to present a critical and reasoned analysis of the various factors associated with this contemporary phenomenon.
The Biological Reality of Sex
The biological reality of sex is a fundamental starting point in the discussion of gender identity. From a scientific perspective, biological gender is determined by the chromosomes that individuals possess, which are distributed in a characteristically binary way in the male and female sexes. However, the rise of gender theory has challenged this view, arguing that gender identity may not necessarily be aligned with biology. This approach has gained traction in academic and political circles of the neo-Marxist right, pushing the absurd idea that individuals can redefine their sex according to their preferences when in reality they can only redefine their desire or their feeling of belonging to a gender that is not the biological one. However, it is important to note that biological gender change through surgical procedures or hormonal treatments is not possible. Although external characteristics and some physiological aspects may be altered, the underlying biological bases remain in the body. These hormonal and surgical treatments are irreversible and seriously harm the person's health.
The motivations behind transition treatments are complex. They are often presented as a solution to gender dysphoria*, where people experience an incongruence between their gender identity and their biological sex. However, there are cases in which these interventions are promoted without an in-depth diagnosis or without assessing the long-term impact on the mental and physical health of individuals. Even more worrying is the lack of a clear consensus among health professionals on best practices in this field. Criticism suggests that sometimes social pressure and political and cultural norms can influence individuals' decisions more than a genuine desire to transition to the perceived or desired sex.
The Paradox of Hamas Support: LGBTQ+ and Women's Rights in Gaza
In recent years, and especially after Israel's response to the October 7, 2023, massacre and war crimes against humanity by Palestinian terrorists of the Hamas group, a contradictory phenomenon has been observed:
LGBTQ+ and feminist groups in the United States and elsewhere have expressed support for Hamas, despite the group's restrictive policies towards LGBTQ+ and women's rights in Gaza.
This article explores this situation and raises questions about the knowledge that these LGBTQ+ rights groups and feminists have about the laws and practices in the Hamas-controlled territories: do they know what they stand for, or are they just that stupid, ignorant or worse, complicit?
The Situation of LGBTQ+ People in Gaza
In Gaza, Hamas' laws against homosexuality are severe:
Same-sex relations can be punished with up to 10 years in prison.
There have been reported cases of extrajudicial punishments including beatings, torture, and even beheadings.
Concrete Examples:
According to Human Rights Watch, in 2016, Mahmoud Ishtiwi, a 34-year-old Hamas commander, was brutally tortured and eventually killed by the organization for allegedly having sex with another man.
"As the act of prostitution is considered an abomination and an evil in every sense, the punishment for a man is at least equal to the law of prostitution, namely strangulation to death, especially if it was committed by someone occupying a sensitive position under the leadership of the Al-Aksam battalions," the sentence says.
In 2022, the murder of Ahmad Abu Murkhiyeh, a gay Palestinian who had sought asylum in Israel, caused shockwaves and sparked debates about the safety and rights of LGBTQ+ people in the Palestinian territories.
Although Hamas has modified some traditional interpretations of Sharia law, women in Gaza face numerous restrictions:
Segregation and dress: Mandatory veiling and gender-segregated education.
Marriage and family:
Polygamy is allowed for men, but not for women.
Divorce is more accessible to men than to women.
Custody of children is generally awarded to the father in the event of divorce.
Muslim women cannot marry non-Muslim men.
Criminal Law: A woman's testimony is worth half that of a man's in court.
Civil Rights:
Women inherit half as much as men.
Restrictions on political participation and public office.
Restrictions on freedom of movement without male accompaniment.
Concrete Examples:
In many Arab communities, women can be victims of ‘honor killings.’ Legal experts in Gaza point out that there is no clear clause in Palestinian law that establishes a sentence for such killings.
Although not widely practiced in Gaza, some interpretations of Islam prohibit adultery and certain Islamic teachings call for stoning to death of offenders, which disproportionately affects women.
In Gaza, a quarter of married women report being exposed to physical abuse, 62% to psychological violence and 10% to sexual violence. The Sharia imposed by Hamas imposes punishments such as stoning and amputations.
What Are the Goals of the Islamic Terrorist Group Hamas?
Hamas is an extremist Islamic ideology that advocates the extermination and destruction of Israel. Its fundamental goal is to eliminate the Jewish state and replace it with an Islamic state governed by Islamic Sharia law and to make Jerusalem, the third holiest site in Islam, the capital of Palestine.
While Fatah and the PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization) agreed to renounce armed struggle after the 1993 Oslo Accords and negotiate with Israel, Hamas does not even recognize them as a state. Fatah and the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) rule the West Bank, while Hamas administers Gaza. Many countries and international organizations have tried to negotiate with Hamas to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and establish peace in the region, but all have failed due to the intransigence of the terrorist organization.
‘There is no solution to the Palestinian problem other than jihad’.
Who Funds Hamas?
While Hamas has had various backers since its founding, including Syria and Saudi Arabia, its main financiers are now Qatar and Iran. Tehran has provided money, weapons, and training to these Palestinian militiamen since the late 1980s, although Iran is a Shia regime, the minority branch of Islam, while Hamas is Sunni. However, both share the slogan ‘Death to Israel’ among their ideological pillars.
This contrast between the support of LGBTQ+ and feminist groups in the US and elsewhere and the restrictive human rights policies of this Islamic terrorist group raises several questions:
Is there a comprehensive understanding of the situation of LGBTQ+ and women's rights in Gaza among these support groups?
How does support for Hamas reconcile with the fundamental principles of equality and freedom that these movements espouse?
Is it possible that other geopolitical factors are influencing these positions, beyond human rights considerations?
It is important for LGBTQ+ and women's rights movements to carefully consider the implications of their support for political groups whose policies may be in direct conflict with the principles they defend.
José Tarano is a technical producer, graphic designer, collaborator, and researcher at Patria de Martí ► and TheCubanAmerican Voice ►. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering in Telecommunications from José Antonio Echeverria Superior Polytechnic Institute (ISPJAE). In addition, he is the founder and director of Electronics JR Computer Design and Service ►, a computer and information technology services company. Originally from Santiago de las Vegas, Havana, Cuba, he currently resides in the United States.
This article examines just two policy areas in which Vice President Kamala Harris and Minnesota Governor Tim Walz have expressed similar positions: unfettered abortion access and gender reassignment. It is important to note that they agree on many other policy positions. Still, these two are enough to make a human being despise them and not vote for them, regardless of their political, racial, or gender color.
1. Unlimited Access to Abortion
Both Kamala Harris and Tim Walz have expressed support for protecting and expanding access to abortion without limits, to the extent that they agree to terminate the pregnancy and life of the unborn and even those born in cases of failed abortions.
Kamala Harris' Position:
She has defended the right to abortion as a fundamental part of what she calls reproductive health care that should more properly be called the right to terminate the unborn.
She advocates codifying Roe v. Wade into federal law to perpetuate abortion legally and to be able to end the lives of the unborn.
Opposes state restrictions on abortion, including gestational time limits.
Has proposed measures to protect access to abortion at the national level.
Tim Walz's Position:
Has signed laws in Minnesota to perpetuate and expand access to abortion and end the lives of the unborn and even those born after a failed abortion.
Supports abortion rights without gestational time restrictions in Minnesota.
Has declared Minnesota a "sanctuary state" for those seeking abortion or life-saving services.
Opposes abortion restrictions implemented in other states.
Harris and Walz have expressed support for the rights of transgender people, including access to unlimited gender-affirming medical care by any method whether hormonal, surgical or by mutilation of genitalia or breasts. This care may include various medical procedures for individuals seeking to align their physical characteristics with the aberration of their gender identity.
Kamala Harris' Position:
Advocates for the protection of transgender rights at the federal level.
Supports access to gender-affirming (biological sex change) health care, including for minors.
This care may include procedures such as:
For women, they call persons assigned female at birth who identify as male: bilateral mastectomy (removal or excision of breast tissue).
For people, they call people assigned male at birth who identify as female: vaginoplasty (creation of a vagina).
Opposes state laws that restrict gender-affirming or gender reassignment treatments.
Advocates for inclusive policies in schools and workplaces for transgender people.
Tim Walz's Position:
Has signed executive orders protecting the rights of LGBTQ+ people in Minnesota.
Supports access to unlimited gender-affirming health care in Minnesota (biological sex change), including for minors.
This care can include procedures such as:
For people, they call assigned female at birth who identify as male: hysterectomy (removal or extirpation of the uterus) and oophorectomy (removal or extirpation of the ovaries).
For people, they call assigned male at birth who identify as female: orchiectomy (removal of the testicles).
Opposes bans on gender-affirming treatment implemented in other states.
Implemented policies to protect and encourage transgender students in Minnesota schools.
2023 Legislative Updates and Comparison to Kamala Harris
Tim Walz's 2023 Legislative Actions:
Ban on certain therapeutic practices:
In 2023, Walz signed into law a bill that prohibits healthcare professionals from providing what are called "conversion therapies" or therapy to change the gender of LGBTIQ+ individuals.
This law extends to practices that seek to change a person's gender identity, including efforts to reverse or stop previously initiated gender-affirming treatments.
Specifically, the law prohibits health professionals from assisting individuals, including minors, who wish to discontinue or reverse previously performed hormone treatments or sex change surgeries.
This legislation has generated debate about the options available to individuals reconsidering past decisions related to gender-affirming treatments. Walz prohibits helping adolescents who regret gender transformation recover from the harm caused when they began taking hormones or had their genitals removed.
Sanctuary state" law:
Also in 2023, Walz signed a law designating Minnesota as a "sanctuary state for transgender people."
Protecting abortion access and human rights for trans people.
This law seeks to protect transgender people who travel to Minnesota for gender-affirming medical care, including hormone treatments and surgeries.
The legislation also protects healthcare providers who offer these services from potential legal action from other states.
Comparison With Kamala Harris’ Position:
Kamala Harris as vice president, does not have the authority to sign state laws like Walz. However, her position on these issues shows similarities and some slight differences:
On therapeutic practices:
Harris has expressed opposition to "conversion therapies" at the federal level in line with Walz's policy.
However, she has not made specific public statements on banning aid to people who wish to reverse gender-affirming treatments.
Transgender rights protections:
Harris has advocated for federal protections for transgender people, similar to the "sanctuary state" concept implemented by Walz.
She has criticized state laws that restrict access to gender-affirming (gender reassignment) care as has Walz.
Access to health care:
Both Harris and Walz support access to gender-affirming (gender reassignment) health care for transgender people, including minors.
There is no public record of Harris commenting specifically on policies that limit options for those who wish to discontinue gender-affirming (gender reassignment) treatment.
Focus on legal protections:
Both politicians have prioritized the implementation of legal protections for the LGBTQ+ community, with a particular emphasis on transgender people.
It is important to note that these policies have generated significant debate because of their unnatural and anti-Christian character. Proponents argue that they protect the rights and health of transgender people, while critics express concerns about the impact of these policies, especially on minors.
The medical community continues to study the long-term effects of gender-affirming treatments, and policies in this area remain a topic of active public and political discussion.
It is important to note that these medical procedures must be performed by health professionals following established medical protocols and with the informed consent of the patient and parents in the case of minors. In the case of minors, parental or guardian consent and a thorough psychological evaluation should be required.
Harris and Walz's positions on these issues are so extreme, callous, and dehumanizing that they should be disqualified. Proponents argue that these policies protect fundamental rights and promote equality, while critics express concerns about the limits of abortion and the impact of gender-affirming treatment, especially on minors.
Additional Considerations on Abortion Policies and Transgender Care
1. Alternative Options for Abortion
While Kamala Harris and Tim Walz have expressed support for unrestricted access to abortion, it is important to consider other options available to pregnant women that do not involve the extreme termination of life that they advocate:
Pre-birth adoption: this option allows pregnant women to make an adoption plan before the baby is born. It includes:
Selection of potential adoptive parents
Possibility of open or semi-open adoption agreements
Support during and after pregnancy
Support services: Many organizations offer help to pregnant women, including:
Financial and material assistance
Prenatal health care
These options are not always prominent in policy debates on abortion, but they are important alternatives to consider.
2. Regulation of Gender-Reaffirming Surgeries on Minors
Regulation of gender-reaffirming procedures for minors is a topic of growing debate:
Variation by state: Some states have implemented bans or restrictions on these procedures for minors, while others, such as Minnesota under Walz, allow and promote them.
Moratorium proposals: There are discussions about the possibility of a national moratorium on irreversible procedures for minors until more scientific studies are done on their long-term effects.
Scientific debate: The medical community is divided on the balance between the potential benefits and risks of these procedures on minors.
3. Role of the Federal Government and the Supreme Court
The federal government and the Supreme Court play crucial roles in these issues:
Federal Government:
Currently, under the Biden-Harris administration, the federal government supports abortion access and unrestricted interruptions as well as transgender rights.
It has implemented measures to protect access to abortion in the wake of the Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization decision.
Has proposed regulations to protect the rights of transgender people in areas such as health care and education.
Supreme Court:
The Supreme Court could intervene in cases involving:
State restrictions on abortion
State laws limiting, prohibiting, or permitting gender-affirming procedures
Conflicts between state and federal laws on these issues.
Possible actions by the Court:
Clarify the constitutional limits of state and federal regulation on these issues.
Balancing individual rights with state interests
Interpret the application of federal non-discrimination laws to gender identity issues.
It is important to note that the composition of the Supreme Court could significantly influence future decisions on these issues.
Let's vote to prevent these two monstrosities from disappearing from the American political map and so that Make America Great Again! returns with pro-life leaders like Donald J. Trump and J. D. Vance.
José Tarano is a technical producer, graphic designer, collaborator, and researcher at Patria de Martí ► and TheCubanAmerican Voice ►. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering in Telecommunications from José Antonio Echeverria Superior Polytechnic Institute (ISPJAE). In addition, he is the founder and director of Electronics JR Computer Design and Service ►, a computer and information technology services company. Originally from Santiago de las Vegas, Havana, Cuba, he currently resides in the United States.
California Lawmakers Vote to Remove Kids From Any Parents Who Don’t Support Severing Their Genitals
The California legislature passed a bill Friday (September 8, 2023) that would threaten parents with losing custody of their children if they question their child’s supposed desire to undergo disfiguring hormone regimens or surgeries to appear more like the opposite sex.
Assembly Bill 957 was initially proposed to require courts to consider whether parents were “affirming” a child’s identification as transgender in custody cases. The legislation was later amended in June to declare parents who aren’t deemed sufficiently “affirming” liable for child abuse.
Republican state Sen. Scott Wilk bluntly recommended parents “flee” the state over the amendment.
“In the past when we’ve had these discussions and I’ve seen parental rights atrophy, I’ve encouraged people to keep fighting,” Wilk said in June. “I’ve changed my mind on that,” Wilk added. “If you love your children, you need to flee California. You need to flee.”