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GOP Ousts Anti Trump Party Leader

GOP Ousts Ant Trump Party Leader

GOP Ousts Anti Trump Party Leader. Former President Donald Trump celebrated the news Wednesday that House Republicans had ousted Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) from Republican leadership.

“Liz Cheney is a bitter, horrible human being,” Trump wrote in a statement issued after Cheney was voted out. “I watched her yesterday and realized how bad she is for the Republican Party. She has no personality or anything good having to do with politics or our Country.”

Cheney took the House floor Tuesday evening to defend her repeated unprompted criticism of Trump.

“I will not sit back and watch in silence while others lead our party down a path that abandons the rule of law and joins the former president’s crusade to undermine our democracy,” she said.

But Trump dismissed Cheney as a political thorn in the side of the party working to undermine the Republican party. 

“She is a talking point for Democrats, whether that means the Border, the gas lines, inflation, or destroying our economy,” he said.

House Republicans acted swiftly to remove Cheney as House Republican conference chair on Wednesday morning with a voice vote, replacing her with Rep. Elise Stefanick.

The former president also criticized the Cheney family for getting America into war overseas.

“She is a warmonger whose family stupidly pushed us into the never-ending Middle East Disaster, draining our wealth and depleting our Great Military, the worst decision in our Country’s history,” he said.

Trump also predicted that Cheney would be recruited by the media to attack Republicans.

“I look forward to soon watching her as a Paid Contributor on CNN or MSDNC!” he wrote.

Earlier Wednesday, Trump urged Republicans to remove Cheney, calling her a “poor leader, a major Democrat talking point, a warmonger, and a person with absolutely no personality or heart.”

“As a representative of the Great State of Wyoming, Liz Cheney is bad for our Country and bad for herself,” Trump continued.

The former president said the majority of the Republican party supported Cheney’s ouster, despite the media focus on the leadership disruption.

“Almost everyone in the Republican Party, including 90% of Wyoming, looks forward to her ouster—and that includes me!” he concluded.

Arriving on Capitol Hill on Wednesday morning, Cheney vowed to continue leading the party away from Trump.

“The party is going to come back stronger and I’m going to lead the efforts to do it,” she told reporters.

Charlie SpieringAuthor: Charlie Spiering. A reporter covering Washington D.C. since 2005. White House reporter for Breitbart News 
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