The CubanAmerican Voice®

Invitation Pedro Luis Boitel Symposium: An Ethic of Resistance

Pedro Luis Boitel Symposium InvitationInvitation Pedro Luis Boitel Symposium: An Ethic of Resistance

Patria de Martí - The CubanAmerican Voice

Alianza Democrática

We are pleased to invite you to the Symposium

Pedro Luis Boitel: An Ethic of Resistance

A conversation about his life, work, and legacy

What can we learn from Boitel's patriotic morality?

Thursday, May 23, 2024. 5:30 PM

Westchester Regional Library

9445 Coral Way, Miami FL 33165

Live streaming from our website (

Event Schedule


Julio M. Shiling


Jorge Luís García Pérez "Antunez"

José Richard Heredia

Armando Valladares 

Osvaldo "Maqueca" Figueroa

Technical Production: José Tarano Electronics JR Computer Design

The event is open to the public. Admission and parking are free.

It will be broadcast live on the website and the social media Patria de Martí Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube on the T V Libertad channel.

There will be a question and answer session. Be sure to attend. We look forward to seeing you.

The event will be conducted in Spanish.

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