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Debate over US sanctions on Castro regime

Debate over US sanctions on Castro regime

Debate over US sanctions on Castro regime. Manolo De Los Santos and Stephen Wilkinson, defenders of the Castro dictatorship, and Julio M. Shiling, an anti-Castro activist, battle in a heated debate moderated by journalist and host Andrea Sanke on the television program "Newsmakers" of TRT World (Turkish Public Television). Program aired on October 12, 2022.

Meet the participants and don't miss this intense debate!

Manolo De Los Santos, Co-Executive Director of, and a great admirer of the Castros, Che Guevara and Díaz-Canel, Chávez, Maduro, and other Dictators. Get to know him on Twitter @manolo_realengo

Dr. Stephen Wilkinson, President of the International Institute for the Study of Cuba at the British University of Buckingham, and editor of the International Journal of Cuban Studies opposes the US embargo/sanctions based on false health political narratives such as "free" education, and healthcare in Cuba without pointing out the deplorable state of hospitals and medical services to the population in contrast to those received by the leaders of Castroism and foreigners, blaming the US embargo for all the deficiencies of the socialist system and favoring a rapprochement with the Cuban dictatorship without taking into account the dictatorship's lack of freedom and the human rights violations.

Julio M. Shiling is a political scientist, writer, lecturer, columnist, media commentator, and director of Patria de Martí and The CubanAmerican Voice. He has a master's degree in Political Science from Florida International University (FIU) in Miami, Florida. He is a member of the American Political Science Association and the PEN Club (Chapter of Cuban Writers in Exile). He is an anti-Castro and anti-communist activist.
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