The CubanAmerican Voice®

Carlos Manuel de Céspedes, the Father of the Homeland

Carlos Manuel de Cespedes the Father of the HomelandCarlos Manuel de Céspedes, the Father of the Homeland, typifies that lineage of men who gave everything and more for Cuba and is emblematic of the liberating body that emerged in the 10-Year War and has been present in all our liberation wars, those of yesterday and those of today. Patria de Martí and The CubanAmerican Voice honor and remember them on the 154th anniversary of the Grito de Yara.

On October 10, 1868, at the La Demajagua sugar mill, the 10-Year War or War of Independence began when Carlos Manuel de Céspedes proclaimed the manifesto of the revolutionary junta of the island of Cuba, this cry of independence had supported very enrichingly moral that was the Constituent Assembly of Guáimaro that proclaimed freedom and independence.

It is sad and unfortunate in current Cuban history how the Father of the Homeland Carlos Manuel de Céspedes has been relegated to oblivion because he founded the entire process of independence, he was the initiator of the freedom and the Constitution of Guáimaro.

The Spanish authorities wanted to exchange his son Oscar's life for Céspedes resignation as President of the Republic of Cuba at Arms. He famously answered that Oscar was not his only son, because every Cuban who had died for the revolution he started, was also his son. His child Oscar was executed by a Spanish firing squad on June 3, 1870.
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