Arrests and siege of UNPACU headquarters in Santiago de Cuba continue, denounces Ferrer.
Cuban opposition leader José Daniel Ferrer, leader of the Patriotic Union of Cuba, denounced that arbitrary arrests continue in Santiago de Cuba against activists and members of UNPACU, as well as the police siege of the organization's national headquarters.
In his Twitter profile, Ferrer noted that among the activists detained by the political police are his wife Nelva Ismarays Ortega Tamayo and his daughter, Fatima Victoria Ferrer.
Santiago de #Cuba: Continúan las detenciones arbitrarias y el cerco entorno a la Sede Nacional de #UNPACU. Detenido Ebert Hidalgo Cruz. Ayer Detenidos varios activistas, entre ellos mi esposa e hija
— José Daniel Ferrer (@jdanielferrer) April 23, 2021
"Santiago de Cuba: arbitrary detentions and siege around the National Headquarters of UNPACU continue. Ebert Hidalgo Cruz detained. Yesterday several activists were detained, among them my wife and daughter," Ferrer said in her message.
The Cuban opposition leader shared images of the injuries inflicted on him by political police agents in the arbitrary detention of which he was a victim this Thursday.
"The repressive forces of the Castro-communist tyranny released me after 8 hours of arbitrary and violent detention. Sequelae in my throat from the strangulation key they applied to me. New threats of imprisonment against my wife and me," Ferrer wrote.
The activist had previously denounced that he was released after 8 hours and that his wife and daughter were detained for 5 hours in the First Police Unit of Santiago de Cuba.
Hoy la tiranía me detuvo violentamente y me liberaron luego de 8 horas. Mi esposa @NelvaIsmarays y mi hija Fátima Victoria Ferrer estuvieron 5 horas detenidas en la 1ra Unidad Policial de Santiago de #Cuba
— José Daniel Ferrer (@jdanielferrer) April 23, 2021
This Thursday, State Security resumed the police siege of the UNPACU headquarters in the Altamira neighborhood in Santiago de Cuba.
Saludos amigos. Las fuerzas represivas de la tiranía castrocomunista me liberaron después de 8 horas de detención arbitraria y violenta. Secuelas en la garganta por la llave de estrangulamiento que me aplicaron. Nuevas amenazas de prisión contra mi esposa y contra mí. #NoHayMiedo
— José Daniel Ferrer (@jdanielferrer) April 23, 2021
Ferrer indicated that in addition to the new police siege, the security agents are keeping the activists almost incommunicado since their telephone lines do not have Internet service and they use a road that when discovered will leave them completely isolated.
In March he and other UNPACU members went on hunger strike to protest the police siege established by State Security which prevented community residents from coming to receive food and medicine at the organization's headquarters.