Left appears to be preparing for civil war. The Left Preps for Civil War: 'The Potential for Violent Conflict Is High'.
When you think about it, the American Civil War didn’t have to happen. President Lincoln had no intention whatsoever of interfering in the institution of slavery. But many Southerners saw in Lincoln the potential for Northern abolitionists to use him to end slavery. They believed there were latent dictatorial impulses in Lincoln and were terrified he would somehow be able to free their slaves.
This was nonsense. Lincoln was not about to commit economic suicide in both North and South by forcibly ending slavery. This is something the Southern states never understood and they might not have started a war if they had realized how intimately slavery was tied to the prosperity of both sections.
Today, the American left sees Donald Trump as a potential dictator. They see his re-election as the biggest catastrophe that could ever befall America. So they are preparing to fight.
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