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Mass Media Ignore Kerry Collusion with Iran

Mass Media Ignore Kerry Collusion with Iran

Mass Media Ignore Kerry Collusion with Iran. Is accused of sharing intel with Iranian officials on Israeli military operations in Syria while he served as Obama's Secretary of State.

Democratic Party allies in the mainstream media are skipping the John Kerry scandal.

ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC all skip growing controversy on intelligence leaking.

Several top mainstream media "news" outlets are refusing to report on the growing bombshell scandal involving allegations that Joe Biden's "climate czar" John Kerry leaked classified intelligence to Iran.

Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry is accused of sharing intel with Iranian officials on Israeli military operations in Syria while he served as Obama's Secretary of State. 


The New York Times first reported that Iran Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif alleged in a leaked audio recording that Kerry told him that Israel had struck around 200 Iranian targets in Syria.

Zarif admitted that he was shocked by the purported admission from Kerry, as reported by The New York Times.

There has been intense backlash after Kerry's alleged actions were exposed.

The revelation has prompted multiple calls from lawmakers for Kerry to resign.

Kerry has called the claims "unequivocally false" and such a conversation "never" occurred during or since his tenure as Secretary of State.

However, GOP lawmakers are calling for investigations and for his resignation from the Biden administration if the allegations turn out to be true.

Yet, despite the bombshell nature of the story, there has been a blackout of it from multiple establishment media outlets

ABC, CBS, and NBC apparently decided none of this was newsworthy enough to report.

Grabien transcripts show that all three outlets dedicated zero coverage to the controversy on Monday and Tuesday during their morning and evening news programs 

And despite being a 24-hour news network, MSNBC also skipped any mention of Kerry's alleged chat with Iran.

CNN only addressed the Kerry controversy twice on Tuesday, once during its "Early Start" program in the morning and a brief mention by Jake Tapper during his interview with Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

Neither CNN nor MSNBC made any mention of Kerry on their most-watched shows in primetime.

Kerry has previously been accused of colluding with Iran to undermine President Donald Trump during his presidency in an effort to ease relations between the U.S. and Iran.

Kerry has said he met with Zarif on at least two occasions during the Trump administration, for which Trump said he should be "prosecuted."

Author: Jay Greenberg

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