They Stink of Socialism: Kamala's Proposals Smack of CastroChavismo
Even the Washington Post, an ally of the left, criticized Kamala Harris' speech on Friday, August 16. ’Unfortunately, instead of presenting a substantive plan, she wasted the moment on populist gimmicks.
Kamala Harris's campaign promises are a crude copy of the speeches of classic socialist leaders like Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez to such an extent that it sounds like a speech by a Maduro in high heels and a wig.
1. Criticisms of Kamala's Socialist Economic Proposals
- Price controls: Harris' proposal to implement price controls by the government, especially on food would undoubtedly bring shortages of consumer goods, food, and market distortions very similar to those of the Cuban or Venezuelan dictatorship. Kamala's solution is pure socialism against inflation, a formula that has proven inefficient even in the communist countries where it has been applied.
- Housing subsidies: The effectiveness of the vaunted $25,000 subsidy for first-time homebuyers is questioned, as it would alleviate the buyer's down payment, but would ultimately increase housing prices instead of making them more affordable.
- Labor policies: The equal pay proposal is criticized as interfering with the free market and will create significant compliance costs for businesses, decreasing the number of jobs and thus increasing unemployment and welfare claims.
Kamala's hypocrisy is so enormous that she denies her responsibility for the brutal price hikes during her tenure as Biden's teammate.
The best definitions of the disaster of Kamala's economic proposals come not only from the Republican party, as even the Washington Post, which is an ally of the left, criticized:
‘Unfortunately, instead of presenting a substantive plan, she wasted the moment on populist gimmicks," The Washington Post.
‘Kamala's price control proposal is “the Maduro Plan”. We call it the Maduro Plan. Something straight out of Venezuela or the Soviet Union. This announcement is an admission that her economic policies have utterly failed,’ Donald J. Trump continued.
‘Vice President Harris, a person who has never started a business, who doesn't understand profit and loss, who has never known payrolls, and who has never competed in a consumer market, is going to propose federal price controls. That should terrify every American’. said Senator Rick Scott.
Harris's Socialist Tendencies
In the world of left-wing politics, Kamala, Walz, Warren, Sanders, and Ocasio-Cortez represent the most extreme positions of the American neo-Marxist school of thought. Kamala Harris, Tim Walz, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez have charted their political paths with very few differences because at their core they all smack of stale socialism. All share a deep commitment to neo-Marxist values and principles.
- Harris's proposals are part of a broader socialist agenda, compared to her openly declared socialist colleagues such as her juno Walz, Bernie Sanders, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
- All of Kamala's policies are a continuation and deepening of the policies of the Obama administration so her possible mandate would be comparable to Diaz-Canel: the hand-picked president of Cuba by Raul Castro.
The globalist mafia and its media have manipulated the propaganda language of the DemocRAT party trying to decorate Kamala ‘Kamaleon’ in a less extremist garb than her socialist colleague Bernie Sanders, and the rest of the neo-Marxist quintet to try to attract the vote of the more centrist, moderate and undecided voters.
3. Kamala's Socialist Ideology and Marxist Background
- Harris's family background has the hallmarks of the Marxist orientation instilled by his father.
- Kamala promotes concepts such as ‘equity’ rather than ‘equality’, which is part of a broader neo-Marxist ideological agenda known as EDI (Equity Diversity and Inclusion).
- Harris promotes neo-Marxist ‘Environmental, Social and Governance’ (ESG) agendas, promoting financial mechanisms, perhaps the biggest and most dangerous of this three-legged monster, to control and centralize the economy in ways never imagined by Marx and Engels. See the article Socialism is gaining control of American business
4. Far-Left Social and Cultural Policies
- Harris' far-left positions on issues such as illegal immigration, abortion without terms or restrictions, biological sex changes including for children, education, child indoctrination, and the denial of the rights of parents to make decisions about their children's education and sexuality, among other barbarities have a markedly Marxist character and are so damaging to US society that we are seeing their effects today, as they have been implemented since the Biden-Kamala regime took office as a continuation of the neo-Marxist policies initiated by Obama.
5. Warning About the Big Mistake of Underestimating the Socialist Kamala Campaign
- Many Americans, mostly democrats, and independents, are thinking like the Venezuelans who said ‘Venezuela will never be socialist, in Venezuela, it will not happen like in Cuba’ and thought that the criteria and warnings of the Cubans about Chavism were alarmist, however, history proved the great reason for the arguments and today in Venezuela continues to rule the socialist dictatorship as a continuity of Castro-Chavism.
- The history of Venezuela could be replicated in the United States as many Americans think that the arguments used by Republicans, conservatives, and many Cubans are exaggerations of the policies proposed by Harris by comparing them with the beginnings of socialist or communist regimes to discredit Kamala, even they are so blind, fanatics and useful fools that they have not realized that the socialist transformations began with Obama, which then continued with the Biden-Kamala regime in what many of us categorize as Obama's third term, whose continuity is intended to be a fourth Obama term if the presidency is usurped by the Marxist Kamala-Walz formula.
In-Depth: Perceptions of ‘Socialism’ in Harris' Proposals
Comparison with leftist politicians in the US.
- Kamala's similarities to Sanders, Warren and Ocasio-Cortez
- Harris' proposals align with those of these avowedly socialist politicians in areas such as:
- Expansion of health care for all including illegal immigrants.
- Unlimited and unrestricted abortion is a fundamental part of what she calls reproductive health care.
- She advocates codifying Roe v. Wade into federal law to legally perpetuate abortion and end the lives of the unborn.
- Harris has advocated for federal protections for transgender people, similar to the ‘sanctuary state’ concept implemented by Walz.
- Supports policies to protect and benefit transgender students in schools.
- Has criticized state laws that restrict access to gender affirming (gender reassignment) care.
- Higher education reform and student debt relief and cancellation.
- Aggressive climate policies and phasing out fossil fuels
- Kamala was an early co-sponsor of Ocasio-Cortez and Senator Edward Markey's Green New Deal, the most anti-economic socialist plan in the United States, which proposed a transition to 100% clean energy within a decade.
- Raising taxes on the richest
- Harris shares with Warren the same socialist ideas concerning government control of the economy, subversion of housing, fairness, racial diversity and inclusion with preference, climate change, and many others.
- Harris proclaimed decriminalizing illegal border crossings, a policy that even Biden was unwilling to pursue.
- Kamala Harris endorsed a bill that would establish new detention and release policies for illegal immigrants, offering an ‘Alternative to Detention’ to allow their release to remain in the country with access to work permits, health care, and amnesty.
- Kamala Harris proposed an illegal immigrant amnesty plan with the primary goal of winning votes in her favor in elections for the millions of illegal immigrants.
- This alignment of Harris as part of a broader movement of left-wing extremists within the Democratic Party leaves no doubt of Kamala's socialist pretensions.
- Harris' proposals align with those of these avowedly socialist politicians in areas such as:
- Key differences
- Harris is generally labeled as taking more moderate positions than Sanders or Ocasio-Cortez on some issues, yet for all the window-dressing her positions have the same goal: to turn the United States into a socialist system, not merely calls for social improvements within the capitalist system.
- He chameleon-like tries to hide his past opposition to hydraulic fracturing, the process that uses liquid to release natural gas from rock formations.
‘There's no question that I'm in favor of banning fracking, and starting with what we can do on Day 1 on public lands,’ Harris said in 2019 on CNN.
- Harris‘ campaign aims to separate Harris from co-sponsoring socialist Bernie Sanders’s Medicare for All legislation, which would create a government health insurance program and essentially end the private health insurance market by proclaiming that the chameleon-like vice president no longer supports a single-payer health care system.
On CNN in 2019 in her first presidential campaign, Harris said, ‘I would eliminate private health insurance as a necessary part of implementing Medicare for All.’
- She also wants to clean up her extremist positions from her previous policies of defunding the police and eliminating ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement). This task began when Republicans demonstrated that crime increases and a massive rise in illegal immigrants were the result of failed policies during the 2022 midterm elections.
In the 2020 protests sparked by the death of George Floyd at the hands of a Minneapolis police officer, Harris expressed support for the ‘defund the police’ movement, which advocates redirecting law enforcement funding to social services.
‘This movement as a whole is about rightly saying we need to look at these budgets and determine if they reflect the right priorities,’ Harris said in a June 2020 radio interview, CNN's KFile reported.
‘We have to think about probably starting from scratch because there are a lot of things that are wrong with the way ICE is performing,’ Kamala told MSNBC in a 2020 interview.
Distinguishing Between the Guise of Democratic Socialism and Social Democracy
- Democratic Socialism
- advocates a gradual transition from capitalism to socialism through democratic processes
- Seeks social ownership of the means of production
- Figures such as Bernie Sanders have identified with this term and Kamala pretends to wear part of the costume, but with a fake social democratic jacket.
- Social democracy
- Accepts the capitalist market economy, but seeks to regulate and complement it with robust social welfare programmes.
- Common in Nordic countries and much of Western Europe.
- It does not seek to replace capitalism, but to reform it. Therefore, this attribute is not Kamala's favorite attribute, although she wears it as one of her favorite chameleon suits.
- Harris's position
- Harris's covert policies therefore align more with democratic socialism than with the social democracy he claims to represent.
Social Justice and Civil Rights
They try to portray Kamala as a champion of ‘social justice’, separating her from her fellow extremists like Warren, AOC, Walz, and Sanders, who are the champions of left-wing extremism that reek the most of socialism. But her socialist stench stands out in her personality because it is unmistakable.
Approaches to Economic Justice and Social Welfare
When it comes to economic justice and social welfare, these five comrades have their styles. From Kamala's chameleon-like approach to Warren's fierce Bolshevik determination, Sanders' Leninist spirit, and AOC's fiery Stalinist passion, each brings their special communist stink to their far-left progressive policies, creating a foul-smelling communist platter for hungry souls seeking to destroy America from within. With these leaders at the helm, the ship of DemocRAT leftist ideals sails on a course to:
‘Socialism that is wrought with envy, administered from hypocrisy, breeds laziness and destroys wealth.’ As the late Armando Ribas would say
Perspectives on Environmental Policy and Climate Change
Kamala, Walz, Warren, Sanders, and Ocasio-Cortez share a common ground when it comes to their socialist commitment to addressing environmental issues and combating climate change by creating the false panic that the world is coming to an end. They advocate transitioning to unaffordable renewable energy sources, reducing carbon emissions, and investing in unsustainable practices to promote their left-wing policies of extremist protection of the planet. Their shared belief is shared to implement a system such as:
‘Socialism which is the philosophy of failure, the creed to ignorance and the preaching to envy; its inherent virtue is the equal distribution of misery.’ Winston Churchill.
Positions on Foreign Policy and World Affairs
When it comes to foreign policy and world affairs, these far-left leaders have a mix of perspectives. Although they all tend to promote socialist pestilence their solutions to international conflicts may differ in the aspect of their specific approaches, but they all embrace the neo-Marxist doctrines of cultural domination that facilitate the destruction of the most successful democracy in world history which is American democracy and that of its allies such as Israel. They are so addicted to communism that they defend anything that smells of socialism or is against the United States, be it Iran, Hamas, China, Russia, or any other country that is against the United States regardless of its ideology.
Views on Health and Education Reform
On health and education reform, Kamala, Walz, Warren, Sanders, and Ocasio-Cortez are so far to the left that they seek to expand access to free, quality health care and education for all, so committed to the Marxist doctrine of diversity, equity, and inclusion that they include in the benefits even illegal immigrants whether they are felons, criminals, rapists, drug dealers, human traffickers or spies for the enemies of the country.
Points of Disagreement and Divergence
Although these extremist left-wing figures share many Marxist goals, there are areas where they diverge in their approaches and priorities. One notable point of disagreement might be the degree of government intervention in the economy, with some favoring more socialist policies while others prefer a more moderate stance. In addition, differences may arise over implementation strategies for progressive reforms, with different views on the pace and extent of change needed. Despite these disagreements, their shared commitment to the ideals of neo-Marxism ultimately unites them in the broader mission of advancing socialism.
In conclusion, although Kamala Harris, Tim Walz, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez may have some disagreements on how to build communism at the core they all ‘Stink of Socialism’.