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Amendment 25: What Are DemocRats Waiting for To Remove Biden From the White House?

’AmendmentAmendment 25: What Are Democrats Waiting for To Remove Biden From the White House? America Is Still in the Hands of a Madman

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If Biden cannot run for president because of his mental problems, he should not continue as president. If he does not resign, the vice president should invoke the 25th amendment, to force his resignation and ensure the security and stability of the United States.

Instead of partisan political opinions about Biden's proven mental incapacity, a balanced solution needs to be adopted and the potential evil nipped in the bud before he can commit any folly using the power he still wields.

Despite the sensitivity of the issue at hand, I express my humble opinion with the arguments that have led me to write this article, remaining open to debate, criticism, and rectification of my comments if I am shown to be wrong in my analysis.

Debate on President Biden’s Ability To Govern


Current Context of the Presidency

- The current context of Joe Biden's presidency

- Growing debate over his fitness for office

Joe Biden's presidency has been under intense scrutiny since its inception in 2021. As his term has progressed, there has been a growing debate about his fitness for office, centered primarily on concerns about his age and mental health. This debate has gained prominence not only in the political arena but also in public opinion, raising questions about the future leadership of the United States and the security and stability of the nation.

I. Concerns About the President’s Mental Health

A. Public incidents that have raised doubts. Throughout his presidency, Biden has had several moments that have raised serious concerns about his mental state. These include confusion in speeches, difficulty remembering names or dates, and occasional verbal stumbles during interviews and press conferences.

B. Opinions of medical experts Some health professionals have expressed concerns about signs of cognitive decline that the president may be experiencing. However, others want to cover up the sun with a finger with arguments more incongruous than Biden's affectations by saying that these incidents are not necessarily indicative of serious problems and can be attributed to the pressure of office or Biden's long-standing stutter.

C. Impact on public perception These events have had a significant effect on public perception. Recent polls suggest that a growing number of Americans, including some Democrats, question Biden's ability to effectively lead the country to the end of his term in office. 


II. Implications for the Upcoming Elections

A. Biden, 81, withdrew from the presidential campaign in the face of growing doubts about his physical and mental capacity, following a disastrous debate with Trump in which he demonstrated the severity of his mental problems that encouraged Democratic Party colleagues, donors, and others to press him to abandon his re-election aspirations. Although Biden had expressed his intention to seek re-election, the debate over his fitness and uncertainty generated discussions within the Democratic Party about possible alternatives for a new candidate that could revitalize the campaign but also divide the party within its ranks.

B. Logically, the reactions of the Republican opposition took advantage of this situation to question Biden's leadership capacity, the stability of his administration and the divisions within the Democrats to reinforce their strategy and show their unity for the upcoming elections at the Republican National Convention.

III. The 25th Amendment and Its Possible Implementation

A. Explanation of Amendment 25: Amendment 25 of the US Constitution sets out the procedure for replacing the president in the event of incapacity. Section 4 allows the vice president and a majority of the cabinet to declare the president unable to perform his duties.

B. Historical precedent: Although Section 4 has never been invoked to permanently remove a president, sections of the 25th Amendment have been used temporarily, such as when presidents underwent medical procedures.

C. Barriers to implementation: Invoking Section 4 would be a drastic step with significant political implications. It would require a consensus among the vice president, the cabinet, and potentially Congress, making it difficult to implement if the parties involved do not agree, ignoring that there is clear and incontrovertible evidence of the president's mental incapacity.

IV. The Role of Vice-President Kamala Harris

A. Her current position in the administration As Vice President. Harris has taken on extremist roles in the Biden administration, leading initiatives in areas such as immigration, abortion, and voting rights. Her performance in these roles has been abysmal on immigration, many remember when in 2019 Kamala Harris said she would not treat illegal immigrants as criminals, female extremism, and abortionists without restraint, as well as creating chaos on her voting rights and abortion policy without time limits, for which she has come under scrutiny, debate and criticism from both sides of the political spectrum.

B. Potential scenarios should she assume the presidency. If Harris were to assume the presidency, either through Amendment 25 or Biden's resignation, she would become the first woman and person of color to hold the office. This could have significant implications for American politics and society given her position of feminist extremism, her incapacity, and her unfamiliarity with key issues in US domestic and international politics.

C. Increasing housing and food prices. Throughout the last few years, she has been a staunch supporter of Biden's open borders and environmental deception policies that have resulted in uncontrollable price increases for housing and food.

D. Political implications of a leadership change. A mid-term leadership change could have important consequences for the administration's policy agenda and the dynamics of the Democratic Party going into the next election.

E. Credibility and honesty questioned. His credibility and honesty have been criticized because he helped Biden cover up his declining health while in office.

V. Impact on National Stability and Security

A. Concerns about crisis decision-making. Doubts about the president's mental capacity have led to concerns about how he could handle crisis situations that require quick and complex decisions such as ordering a nuclear strike without having to rely on anyone.

B. International relations and diplomacy. Biden's perceived weak or unstable leadership and mental incapacity have affected the US position on the global stage, influencing relations with allies and adversaries alike. Under his tenure Putin invaded Ukraine, Hamas attacked Israel, China threatens to invade Taiwan, and Iran will achieve nuclear weapons capability in a matter of weeks.

C. Public confidence in government. The progressive deterioration of the President's mental capacity has eroded public confidence in the government, potentially affecting the political and social stability of the country, which increasingly distrusts President Biden's ability to lead the United States and the world.


President Biden's fitness to govern raises fundamental questions about leadership and governance in the United States that are crucial to the security and stability of the country. What is clear is that as long as the clock continues to tick to reach a consensus among the vice president, the cabinet, and potentially Congress to remove the president, Biden will remain an enormous danger to the security and stability of the country and the world. The agony of the United States being governed by a mentally unfit person must be ended now, taking into account the welfare of the country above political and partisan interests.

How long will this agony last?

Jose Tarano Author🖋️Author Jose Tarano 

José Tarano is a technical producer, graphic designer, collaborator, and researcher at Patria de Martí and The CubanAmerican Voice. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering in Telecommunications from José Antonio Echeverria Superior Polytechnic Institute (ISPJAE). In addition, he is the founder and director of Electronics JR Computer Design and Service ►, a computer and information technology services company. Originally from Santiago de las Vegas, Havana, Cuba, he currently resides in the United States.

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