Chinese vaccine and political blackmail. The United States and the developed countries of Europe have been honest in stating that they have to vaccinate the most vulnerable people in their countries first, before they start providing them to others. Understandably so. Love and charity begin at home. Russia, without public statements, has also been candid with an explicit message: "I sell it to those who can buy it". China, however, has not demonstrated the honesty of the United States and Europe, nor the sincerity of Russia. The Chinese are offering their vaccines in exchange for the beneficiaries cutting their ties with Taiwan. Such behavior is plain and simple political blackmail that shows the true, often disguised, face of the communist Chinese.
Ironically, Chinese vaccines are of the lowest quality and reliability of all those produced up to this point. The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are the most scientifically advanced. They are identified as RNA vaccines because of their genetic technology and are 94 to 96% effective. The Oxford-AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson and Russian Sputnik V vaccines use a technology known as "viral vector" and are also scientifically more advanced and efficient than the Chinese vaccines, which use the outdated "inactivated virus" technology.
After a year of experiments, one of the Chinese vaccines, Sinopharm, has just received "emergency" approval from the World Health Organization (WHO) for mass use. This expedited approval means that WHO has "fast-tracked or skipped" several of the protocols for verifying that the vaccine is safe, effective and of high quality. WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, who has been described by analysts as "a puppet of the Chinese communist regime," justified the "emergency" approval in view of the need for vaccines facing many countries. However, WHO experts pointed out that in the clinical trials, the Chinese included very few people aged 60 and over, which is precisely the human segment most vulnerable to the coronavirus. That clarification by WHO experts seeks to guard against Chinese non-compliance in the clinical phases and is further evidence that the Chinese vaccines are unreliable.
Fortunately, the President of the United States announced this week that he will soon begin sharing vaccines with Latin American countries, a hope that will alleviate the pressure that the Chinese regime has put on the leaders of Paraguay and Honduras to whom it conditioned the vaccines in exchange for severing their relations with Taiwan. We should not forget that the Chinese communist leader, Xi Jinping, had said last year that "Chinese vaccines would be available to all as a global public good".
But, evidently, the Chinese regime has several masks depending on the moment. Last Sunday, May 23, the influential newspaper The Wall Street Journal cited a U.S. intelligence report stating that "three researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology became ill in November 2019 and sought hospital care." The Journal stresses that this information reinforces calls to investigate whether the coronavirus, Covid-19, "escaped" from that Wuhan laboratory. It is opportune to remember that the famous and respected medical research center, "Lancet Institute", of London, affirmed in the first months of 2020 that "patient zero" (the first person identified as a carrier of the coronavirus) had nothing to do with the Wuhan seafood market, which was the Chinese story that the virus was transmitted to humans when they ate animals sold in that market.
Hopefully, all this information about the behavior of the Chinese communist regime will serve to open the eyes of many Latin American governments that look to Beijing as a good economic ally, as a supplier of vaccines or as a good trading partner. Beware of the Chinese masks that have very good quality and, rather, look at their works (actions) that by them you will know them.