The New Political Era With Trump: Freedom and the End of Progressivism
The era of wokism, DEI, cancel culture, critical race theory, and the rest of the neo-Marxist theories pushed by left-wing progressivism are finally coming to an end with Trump's victory. The United States will be great again, and the world's countries will feel more supported than ever to gain their freedom or keep it.
Trump's Victory: A New Beginning for the United States
Freedom Is Back for MAGA
Wow! Amazing! Thank God! Trump won the election (️Damn 🙋 ♂! as Milei would say) despite the dirty legal and political war unleashed by the left, the deep state and neo-Marxist globalism. Most people are super happy because he won both in the electoral vote and in the popular vote. This means that the United States is entering a new stage in politics, where freedom is back to make America great again and all those weird ideas of the globalist left that tried to take control of society with neo-Marxist ideology will finally be eradicated as these trends represent an attack on individual freedom and plurality of ideas. creating an environment where dissent is silenced, and conservative positions are marginalized.
Then we can say to the enemies of the United States: You👉🔥are fired!
The End of Left-Wing Progressivism: A Victory for Freedom With Trump’s Triumph
Great news for everyone! The era of wokism, DEI, cancel culture, critical race theory, and neo-Marxist theories pushed by left-wing progressivism is finally coming to an end with Trump's victory.
What Does This Mean?
Cancel culture is in practice the most powerful tool used to silence dissenting voices and boycott or isolate people who express controversial opinions or against what they want to impose on society on political, economic, social, and even scientific issues. Thousands of professionals, politicians, lawyers, and scientists have lost their jobs or lost their licenses for opposing the ideological precepts of the Biden and Obama regimes and the neo-Marxist globalists. This has had a chilling effect on freedom of expression and a discouragement of open dialogue.
One notable example occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic, when several public health experts who questioned specific measures or treatments were met with harsh criticism, leading some to lose their positions at academic institutions. These reprisals have fostered an atmosphere in which dissent is perceived as betrayal, preventing the exchange of ideas crucial to scientific and social progress.
The crippling effect of cancel culture manifests itself in various settings, particularly academia, where students and faculty may avoid controversial topics or critical theories due to fear. This stifles diverse thinking, which is essential to any democratic society. When dissenting voices are silenced, public debate suffers, leading to harmful conformity that can lead to flawed political and scientific decisions. Cancel culture has been a powerful tool in the hands of the Democratic administrations of Obama and Biden, which censored free speech and persecuted their conservative political enemies by silencing any attempt to oppose their neo-Marxist doctrines.
Wokism tries to pretend to be a politically correct and socially sensitive movement initiated and promoted by Barack Obama as part of his neo-Marxist culture war with a focus on Fabian socialism that continued to develop the Biden-Kamala regime or Obama's third term under the shadows. While it is important to be respectful and inclusive, wokism has manipulated the terms of language relating to equality and inclusiveness to integrate them into its ideology, it has gone too far, silencing opposing viewpoints and creating a culture of fear and political persecution where opponents have lost their jobs, licenses, and prestigious positions for the mere fact of expressing the slightest difference to the ideology of a left that it manifests itself more and more radical in its ideological and/or pseudo-scientific nonsense.
Wokism focuses on promoting neo-Marxist theory, diversity, equity, and fighting for the inclusion of minority groups that seek to portray marginalized or discriminated against in society because of the color of their skin, such as colonized people, immigrants, women, and the LGBTQ+ community.
The Dangers of Wokism
The façade of wokism appears to have good social intentions to gain followers and to be able to hide its intentions to manipulate and control society's dependence on progressive left-wing governments with neo-Marxist tendencies. One of the dangers is to present the victimhood of minorities, where the victim is always seen as the right one, censoring any space for criticism. Wokism also tends to censor scientific approaches and objective viewpoints, that contradict its ideology, leading to the silencing of important debates, the condemnation and persecution of those who oppose its neo-Marxist ideas by resorting to cancel culture, where opposing opinions are silenced and those who dissent are not allowed to be heard.
The promoters and ideologues of wokism seek to win electoral niches with grassroots activism, such as feminists and LGBTQ rights defenders, ethnic and racial minorities whose support no longer rests on the collective expectations and interests of a social class—which would aspire to organize labor and distribute its wealth, as would be the case with a leftist party. so they now rely on critical theory to guarantee the indignation of those who feel they are victims or have been indoctrinated as victims of the system of domination (patriarchy, for example, or conservatism) whom they intend to resist and who they possibly wish to destroy.
Go Woke, Go Broke”
Wokism is the imposition of a social agenda that promotes censorship and ostracism of its opponents while ignoring the consequences. Companies have tried to align themselves with this phenomenon through inclusion and diversity policies, but they do not always obtain financial benefits. The slogan "go woke, go broke" illustrates how brands such as Disney have lost significant revenue by introducing changes, such as the inclusion of LGBTQ characters and adaptations of their classics, which has led to consumer discontent and a drop in their shares. Disney has had political conflicts and controversial decisions that have distanced the company from its traditional customer base, reflected in layoffs and a considerable drop in its share price. Victoria's Secret, in moving away from its supermodel image to diversify, has faced financial problems, which has not resonated with its regular consumers. Ben & Jerry's and Bud Light also suffered losses after controversial decisions; the former for his stance on Israel and the latter for collaborating with a trans influencer. These examples show that moving too far away from the consumer base in favor of neo-Marxist false social causes can lead to a loss of loyalty. Brands that do not respect the values that made them popular risk serious financial consequences by trying to modernize with an ideology without authenticity or consistency.
For political scientist and director of Patria de Martí Julio M. Shiling: DEI stands for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. These are important values, but when taken to the extreme by manipulating language and concepts, they lead to discrimination against certain groups or individuals who do not fit into the narrative prescribed by their left-wing progressive neo-Marxist ideology.
DEI embodies a contradiction, reflecting Orwellian concepts from "1984" and "Animal Farm." DEI advocates seeking to implement workplace programs that improve representation and participation among diverse groups categorized by race, ethnicity, gender, and other markers of identity. However, enforcing DEI often requires censorship and discrimination, based on complaints stemming from identity politics. The "diversity" aspect of DEI implies harmonious integration but instead promotes collective guilt among those who do not belong to the perceived "oppressed minority," similar to the mechanisms employed by authoritarian regimes. "Equity" is directly opposed to equality, and requires inequality to redistribute justice among groups labeled as "privileged," while "inclusion" policies segregate individuals into identity groups, resulting in institutionalized segregation that contradicts the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Cancel Culture
Cancel culture is in practice the most powerful tool used to silence dissenting voices and boycott or isolate people who express controversial opinions or against what they want to impose on society on political, economic, social, and even scientific issues. Thousands of professionals, politicians, lawyers, and scientists have lost their jobs or lost their licenses for opposing the ideological precepts of the Biden and Obama regimes and the neo-Marxist globalists. This has had a chilling effect on freedom of expression and a discouragement of open dialogue.
One notable example occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic, when several public health experts who questioned specific measures or treatments were met with harsh criticism, leading some to lose their positions at academic institutions. These reprisals have fostered an atmosphere in which dissent is perceived as betrayal, preventing the exchange of ideas crucial to scientific and social progress.
The crippling effect of cancel culture manifests itself in various settings, particularly academia, where students and faculty may avoid controversial topics or critical theories due to fear. This stifles diverse thinking, which is essential to any democratic society. When dissenting voices are silenced, public debate suffers, leading to harmful conformity that can lead to flawed political and scientific decisions. Cancel culture has been a powerful tool in the hands of the Democratic administrations of Obama and Biden, which censored free speech and persecuted their conservative political enemies by silencing any attempt to oppose their neo-Marxist doctrines.
Critical Race Theory
Critical race theory is the idea that racism is ingrained in society and institutions, leading to systemic inequalities. While it is important to address racism, this theory denies the changes that have eliminated institutional racism in the United States and is completely divisive, promoting race with a victim mentality.
Critical Race Theory (CRT) is a neo-Marxist theoretical framework that argues that racism is not just an individual problem of prejudice, but a phenomenon that is deeply rooted in social and institutional structures. This perspective holds that, throughout history, society has created and perpetuated inequalities that affect racial and ethnic groups, especially African American, Latino, and other minority communities, especially in the context of the United States. CRT denies evidence of the progress that has been made in eliminating institutional racism. From the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to the creation of affirmative action policies, discrimination has been eliminated in the United States and does not exist in any of the institutional spheres, including employment, education, and access to public services. However, CRT often minimizes these gains by focusing on the negative experiences and suffering of marginalized communities. This creates a narrative that underscores victimhood, rather than acknowledging the progress and resilience of these communities. This theory promotes a black-and-white view of the world, where races are in perpetual conflict. This approach intensifies hostility between racial groups, rather than fostering dialogue and understanding. For example, the use of language that portrays whites as oppressors and minorities as victims makes it difficult for different communities to cooperate in finding solutions to common problems. Recently, the debate over the teaching of CRT in schools has led to the creation of laws in certain states in the United States to restrict its teaching. Proponents of anti-racist education argue that it is crucial to recognize and study the systemic roots of racism to bring about real change, while opponents believe that this instruction is harmful and divisive among students.
Neo-Marxist Theories
Neo-Marxist theories are based on the ideas of Karl Marx, the Frankfurt School, and other variants of socialism such as the Fabian that focus on class struggle, social inequality, and the domination of society by changing culture by justifying censorship and the control and dependence of society on the designs of neo-Marxist governments.
Why Does Trump’s Victory Matter?
With Trump's victory, we will return to a more balanced and open society where different points of view are respected and valued. This is a step in the right direction for those who believe in the importance of individual freedom and diversity of thought.
Goodbye 👋to the Neo-Marxist Trio Dei!
With Donald Trump's electoral victory, the United States begins to say goodbye to diversity, equity, and forced inclusion and to the progressive neo-Marxist ideology. Tech company Meta, which owns platforms such as WhatsApp, Instagram, and Facebook, has announced the dismantling of its diversity programs, citing legal and political changes in the country. The company argues that such policies may be discriminatory, suggesting that they favor certain groups over others.
Following Meta's lead, other corporations, including Walmart, are implementing similar changes. These adjustments include abandoning the acronym DEI, removing the term "Latinx," discontinuing a supplier diversity program, closing a racial equity center, and ceasing to share data with a nonprofit that rates businesses on LGBTQ inclusion. Overall, companies seem to be distancing themselves from the progressive ideologies of neo-Marxism, which aim to eliminate racial inequality, sexism, and anti-LGBTQ discrimination.
José Tarano is a technical producer, graphic designer, collaborator, and researcher at Patria de Martí ► and The CubanAmerican Voice ►. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering in Telecommunications from José Antonio Echeverria Superior Polytechnic Institute (ISPJAE). In addition, he is the founder and director of Electronics JR Computer Design and Service ►, a computer and information technology services company. Originally from Santiago de las Vegas, Havana, Cuba, he currently resides in the United States.