A Referendum on a Postmodern Regime in the USA.
The 2022 midterm election is a referendum, not on a government of a particular party with competing policy goals, but on a regime that is dead set on producing a systemic change. Left-wing radicals have sequestered the Democratic Party. The condition of “regime” is met by the auxiliary role that mass corporate media, the Big Tech cartel, woke capitalists, and the federal agencies of law enforcement (FBI, CIA, and DOJ) have in coalescing with the political power in a war to deconstruct America.
Let’s be clear about the facts. The danger confronting the U.S. is not the potentiality of it transitioning into a social democracy. Socialism and social democracy are two entirely unique animals. The former destroys freedom. The latter undertakes a welfare-state approach within a democratic, capitalist system. The Nordic model, to stress the point, is not socialist. The leftist regime in power today is bent on establishing socialism within the postmodern context.
Without getting too bogged down in philosophical technicality, it becomes, however, inescapable to totally avert it. Every historical timeframe moves within a predominating intellectual paradigm. The Modern Era, for example, rested enormously on reason. Postmodernism, a frustrated child of cultural Marxism, is the intellectual framework in which we are living today. The postmodernist worldview argues that knowledge and truth are socially constricted and power springs from the emanating sociopolitical structure.
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