Fraud as a New Electoral Modus Operandi.
Civility, law and order, and the legitimation that honest elections bestow, has now been dealt a massive blow with the malfeasance witnessed here.
The Trump administration, the Republican Party, and private institutions and individuals have sought relief from the courts to impune the gross electoral irregularities of the 2020 election in at least six key battleground states. These challenges have, for the most part, not achieved the desired results of the petitioners. Democrats, their mass and social media operatives, the techno tyrants, and some never-Trump Republicans have claimed victory. Regarding the argument that in the judicial realm, these petitions have been dismal for the Trump team, this is clearly the case. However, on the more paramount question of the systemic electoral anomalies in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia, Arizona, Wisconsin and Nevada, the charges of fraud have not been disproven or debunked.
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