Juneteenth: When Historiography Challenges History.
Historians, political scientists, philosophers, sociologists, anthropologists, and many other academic disciplines count on historical accuracy to develop theories and opinions. Historiography, the study and practice of writing about history, is quite often intermingled with ideological prisms. “Juneteenth”, the most recent established federal holiday, may just be an example of that. What happens when historiography challenges history?
President Joe Biden, with Vice President Kamala Harris at his side, signed into law on Thursday June 18th the nation’s eleventh federal holiday. The legislation established June 19th officially as, Juneteenth National Independence Day. All countries wrestle with the choice of which dates to honor relevant markings that underlie their historical experiences. A nation as historically rich and diverse as the United States, expectedly offers a wide realm to choose from. Is June 19th the most emblematic date to celebrate the end of slavery in America?
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