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What Trump Must Do to Win in 2024

What Trump Must Do to Win in 2024What Trump Must Do to Win in 2024

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Joe Biden’s ouster from the Democratic Party’s presidential candidate slot has invigorated the American Left. The most elated constitute the bulk of the establishment media, which has officially, for the last decade and a half, traded its journalism credentials for political and ideological activism. The other group of enthusiasts is the core institutions of the non-elected administrative state, as well as the entrenched social media and cyber systems' oligarchy. Some have labeled this powerful extension of today’s Democratic Party as a component of the Deep State and the Censorship Industrial Complex. Donald Trump is not competing against Kamala Harris. The Republican candidate and former president are challenging a well-organized and unscrupulous system.

When Barack Obama ushered in the vague and simplistically seeming slogans of “hope” and “change”, what he was referring to was a Marxist-driven soft revolution that was to be carried out in the cultural realm. Drawing from Gramsci, Adorno, Horkheimer, Marcuse, Foucault, and his ideological Harvard mentor, Derrick Bell (the father of Critical Justice and Critical Race Theories), Obama unleashed cultural socialism with its identity politics stratagem understanding that law, norms, media, education, and government all draw from culture to build their institutions. This is a familiar enemy that most of the democratic West is fighting. Its global purpose is the same as it was in Marx’s day, allowing for pragmatic adjustments in ideology and implementation. The system is a stealth version of communism.

If Harris is the face representing this onslaught on democracy, Donald Trump, for all his shortcomings and imperfections, is the only option challenging this authoritarian threat. If he is to be successful, Trump and the Republican Party must adhere to the rules of engagement that are being waged against him and the American Republic. To miscalculate or underestimate the Left’s maneuvers and war plans in the 2024 election would be detrimental to Trump’s victory. Here are two essential steps that Republicans must follow.

This is the Freedom Crusade. 

The Trump team can learn from President Javier Milei’s successful campaign in Argentina last November. This should not be too difficult for the Republican candidate to do. Both are nonconventional politicians who often speak unwisely and perilously off the cuff. South America’s MAGA (Make Argentina Great Again) movement was able to unseat a socialist Sao Paulo Forum government with similar goals as America’s Democratic Party. Milei’s electoral strategy was to elevate popular consciousness of the importance of freedom and the dangers of communism, and he declared a conviction to stand up for Western civilization and confront globalized Neo-Marxism.

Trump must effectively communicate to the American people, like Milei did to the Argentinians, that his opponent is merely the figurehead of a greater evil. This should also not be difficult to do. Harris is a far-left, mediocre candidate who is irrefutably linked with failed socialist policies and Marxist identity politics fanaticism. Gender Ideology and Critical Race Theory, two modern-day Marxist ideological adaptations, have no greater supporter than Harris. Two-thirds of Americans reject Gender Ideology’s state-imposed policies on education, public facilities, government, and athletic competition. Trump must intelligently and respectfully illustrate this point. To illustrate this point in simple terms, let us consider health insurance coverage mandates.

Obama’s signature Affordable Care Act (ACA), overwhelmingly defended by Democrats including Biden and Harris, makes it illegal for a private insurance company to refuse to cover transgenderism’s operations. However, on the issue of covering expenses for nuclear families that seek to have children but have difficulties, procedures such as in vitro fertilization (IVA), are not automatically covered, as per the ACA. Trump has announced that he would support public funding or insurance mandates on coverage to help families by potentially assisting women to achieve pregnancy. The worldviews that separate both presidential candidates are universes apart. Republicans must not let Harris clothe herself in moderation.

MAGA Must Broaden its Coalition.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., part of an iconic American family of Democratic politicians, has openly endorsed Trump as the lessor of two evils. This does not mean that he is only tepidly supporting the Republican candidate. Kennedy has made a scorching and accurate description of the radical nature of the institution that today calls itself the Democratic Party. Foremost in his warning is the grave threat that free speech and liberty in general are facing from the Harris-Obama-Biden ticket. Republicans must prioritize drawing all the disaffected Democratic voters that feel betrayed by their party. Ronald Reagan, it must be remembered, was once a Democrat.

Working-class families of all races, ethnicities, and religions must be sought and incorporated under the MAGA umbrella. The Biden-Harris border immigration anarchy has hurt all Americans. However, as a minority group, it has hit black Americans and Hispanics disproportionately. The social spending that has been afforded to illegal immigrants has come as a detriment to the mentioned group of Americans. Republicans must go out of their way to bring blacks and Hispanics to the MAGA tent. Both groups being socially conservative and akin to religiosity, the Republican Party would be a natural for them.

Jews should be offended by the Democratic Party’s support for Islamism. It has been, not only, the emotional siding with the genocidal calls for Israel’s elimination by Islamist-Marxist groups. The support that Iran, the overseer and financier of the October 7 invasion, has received from Obama and then Biden-Harris has enabled Islamism’s attacks on Israel and the West. The unprecedented peace that the turbulent Middle East lived through under Trump’s four-year presidential watch was not a coincidence. It was the causal effect that reflected a successful foreign policy strategy.

Women have been under attack by the incursion of men (who claim to be women) into ladies’ sports, bathrooms, prisons, and public spaces. This has been a direct result of policies that follow Marxist dogma and have been implemented by Democrats. Harris and Tim Walz, her vice presidential partner, are true believers in the cult of transgenderism. For the Democratic ticket, trans rights are more important than women’s rights. Trump must reach out to the female population. This is where Republicans are most vulnerable.

The issue of abortion, like identity group politics, has been a tool that the Left has seized upon. Lie after shameless lie, Democrats speak as though abortion has been made illegal across the country. This is not the case. Each state, according to the whims of its citizens, has the power to craft the legal timeframe for the ending of a fetus’s life. Without going deep into the moral aspects of whether a woman is entitled to do with her body what she wishes, including ending another human life, upholding facts should be something Republicans must harness. Roe v. Wade is dead. But women can still get an abortion.

After addressing the above-mentioned campaign routes, the Republican Party must be ready and able to defend the integrity of the 2024 elections. A lawyer at the service of the GOP must be present at every single precinct, in every relevant swing state polling center. Early voting, absentee ballots, and mail-in voting are here to stay, for the most part. Republicans must capitalize on these initiatives and use them to the GOP’s advantage. Get-out-the-vote efforts should be amplified. Leaving the option to vote exclusively on election day could hand the Democrats the victory. Republicans must learn from the Democrats’ playbook. Not on morals, virtues, or policies. Lincoln’s party must imitate their power schemes, cunning ability to use the courts in conservative jurisdictions and break the wall of traditional Democratic voters. This election is far too important.    

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J M Shiling autor circle red blue🖋️Author Julio M. Shiling 
Julio M. Shiling  is a political scientist, writer, columnist, lecturer, media commentator, and director of Patria de Martí and The CubanAmerican Voice. He holds a master’s degree in Political Science from Florida International University (FIU) in Miami, Florida. He is a member of The American Political Science Association, The PEN Club (Cuban Writers in Exile Chapter) and the Academy of Cuban History in Exile.

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