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The Republican Party Will Lead the United States in a Time of ‘Deep Change’: Armando Ibarra

The Republican Party Will Lead the United States in a Time of ‘Deep Change’: Armando Ibarra

The Republican Party Will Lead the United States in a Time of ‘Deep Change’: Armando Ibarra.

Miami Young Republicans President Armando Ibarra sat down for an extensive exclusive interview with El American to talk with our contributor, Julio M. Shiling, about the role of the Republican Party in the political future of the United States.

First, the interviewee talks with Shiling regarding the future of the GOP which, in his view, was dormant for decades as the more radical left moved to take over the Democratic Party.

Times of “deep change”: back to Reaganomics?

Ibarra, a strategic advisor and public policy executive in Florida, thinks the Republican Party “fell into the sleepwalk” in the 30 years prior to Donald Trump’s administration, in which totalitarian governments like China were allowed to advance on the geopolitical chessboard.


 Interview to Armando Ibarra"President Trump came in as a candidate to disrupt that status quo, to say, we no longer accept these things that don’t work in our country,” Ibarra said. “Things like this overwhelmingly one-sided trade with China, which we’re working to address, or our negligence of geopolitical issues that the United States did for so long.”

So that, in his view, the ‘post-Trump’ Republican Party is headed in that direction: that of leading the country in times of ” deep change,” with a Democratic Party dedicated to aggrandizing state intervention in economic, educational and ideological matters.

Ibarra draws a parallel between the proposal Trump brought back to the GOP and the defense of American values that characterized Ronald Reagan’s administration: a limited one, based on individual liberties, free markets and tax cuts.

Democrats “don’t accept” Hispanics

In his conversation with El American, Ibarra wanted to highlight what for him is one of the big reasons why the GOP has received an avalanche of new Hispanic voters. According to his observation, the Democratic Party fails to embrace Hispanic culture.

“When Hispanics look at the Democratic Party today, they see a party that has become extremist and radical in its social policies as well as economic policies, and they see echoes of the type of governments and the type of systems that these families fled in their countries of origin,” Ibarra explained.

One of the big factors Ibarra points to for the massive Hispanic abandonment of the Democratic Party is that the “woke cultural elites” who run it do not “accept Latino voters for who they are” and seek to “dictate” how Hispanic American culture should be interpreted.

The term Latinx is, according to the activist, a clear example of the disconnect that exists between Democratic elites and Hispanic voters. In fact, data show that a huge majority of Hispanic Americans do not use the term, and many find it offensive.

Education and culture: GOP ceding ground

Ibarra points out that, over the past few decades, the Republican Party “has ceded education and culture,” allowing the Democratic left to take control of education policy and permeate its woke ideology into American public schools.

Thus, he explains, the passage of time has put those generations who grew up in a left-dominated education system in power. This has motivated the new Republican leadership to take up the discussion of the education system and what is taught in it.

“Part of that is teaching about the history and the criminality of socialist and communist governments, so that young people understand that history,” the Republican activist explains. “We have to make sure that, as students, as their world views are being formed, they’re being formed with them having all of the information available, not just some of the information.”

You can watch the entire interview and follow "El American" YouTube channel to keep up to date with all programs and interviews.

©The Cuban American Voice. Originally published in @El American. All rights reserved.

J M Shiling autor circle red blue🖋️Author Julio M. Shiling 
Julio M. Shiling  is a political scientist, writer, columnist, lecturer, media commentator, and director of Patria de Martí and The CubanAmerican Voice. He holds a master’s degree in Political Science from Florida International University (FIU) in Miami, Florida. He is a member of The American Political Science Association, The PEN Club (Cuban Writers in Exile Chapter) and the Academy of Cuban History in Exile.

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