Pope Francis: A True Supporter in Castro-Communism.
The latest anti-Cuban developments in the Vatican should surprise no one. Throughout the years, Pope Francis has shown a troubling affinity for Marxist regimes and disregard for human rights violations.
t should have surprised no one when the Vatican’s political police removed a Cuban flag from a kneeling parishioner who was quietly praying for Cuba’s freedom during the October 24 Sunday Mass at St. Peter’s Square. The papacy under Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio has witnessed a seismic shift in the Holy See’s relationship with pagan political religions such as socialism since 2013. Castro-Communism, however, appears to have a special place in the heart and soul of Pope Francis.
The first Jesuit bishop of Rome has taken up the common cause on a host of issues sustained by the ultra-left and globalist actors on the environment, immigration policy, free-market capitalism, Critical Theory premises (race, gender, feminist, post-colonial, etc.), COVID-19 policies, and communist and Islamic regimes around the world. Pope Francis has never been timid about expressing his views on temporal matters in the public domain. During his 2015 visit to communist Cuba, however, not a remark was expressed concerning the gravity of the crimes against humanity his Marxist-Leninist hosts have systematically committed.
The main topics touched upon by the first pope born in the Americas during his Cuban papal trip were the sought-after “reconciliation” the Castro regime, the Obama administration and the pope were secretly working on. This infamous rapprochement sham—also known as the Castro-Obama pact—conditioned absolutely nothing in terms of human rights betterment for the Cuban people. It was a lifeline gift, Bergoglio’s Vatican extended to the communist dictatorship.
During the private meeting with Cuban tyrant Fidel Castro, Pope Francis gave him a copy of his encyclical Laudato Si, an eco-socialist advocacy treatise on climate change and carbon emissions, which additionally distorts and misrepresents the views of St. Francis of Assisi. Not a peep or even a pamphlet about civil and political liberties.
Cuban human rights activist and former political prisoner Ángel Moya stated at the time to The Guardian comparing the Argentine pontiff’s trip to the 1998 papal visit by Pope John Paul II, “John Paul spoke out clearly, but the current pope [Pope Francis] is too soft with regards to human rights. Cubans have a harsh life, but he has not been categorical enough when talking about civil liberties”. Both Moya and his wife Berta Soler, a leader of the Ladies in White movement, were detained as were most of the Cuban opposition during Pope Francis stay in Cuba. This repressive spree did not disturb Bergoglio or his entourage.
The lamentable and incorrectly labeled Colombian “Peace Agreement” (2016), which was much more of an “Impunity Agreement”, was supported and brokered by both the Castro regime and Pope Francis’ Vatican. This accord, despite being rejected by the Colombian people in a referendum, was rammed by government of Juan Manuel Santos through congress, bypassing popular scrutiny. This Made in Cuba deal extended crafty impunity to the FARC Marxist terrorist movement and allowed them to fit into the post-Soviet formulation of the São Paulo Forum dictatorial model, a reinvented socialist mechanism to achieve political control by democratic means, but once in power, the systemic demolition begins. Venezuela, Nicaragua, and Bolivia are examples of this prototype run from Havana.
Pope Francis’ sympathetic bonds to left-wing ideologies have not been an isolated case among sectors of the Latin American clergy of the 1960s and 1970s. Liberation Theology, the 1968 Conference of Latin American Bishops CELAM of Medellín (Colombia), the Movement of Priests for the Third World (Argentina) were some of the actioned revolutionary expressions of an artificially concocted and unnatural attempted fusion between Marxism and Christianity that sought to remake Latin America in the image of socialism. The current occupier of the Holy See was not immune to that toxicity.
The Cuban Uprising of July 11 obligated a moral Christian response from the head of the Catholic Church. The silence from Bergoglio’s Holy See has been chilling. Hundreds of thousands of Cubans took to the streets demanding to be free, wanting that same freedom that God gave us all as a natural right. The expected carnage and Draconian prison sentences, carried out by the Cuban communist dictatorship against the vulnerable but patriotic Cuban people who had Christ in their hearts and prayers as they acted, sadly have not found any space in the world of Pope Francis.
Father Félix Varela, a multifaceted Cuban priest, philosopher, and independence figure referred to impiety among sectors of the labeled “religious” in his classic Letters to Elpidio (1838). Many pontiffs, by way of encyclicals, letters and addresses have warned about the dangers of a communist penetration of the Church. Among those that stand out are Noscitis et Nobiscum (Pope Pius IX1849), Pascendi Dominici Gregis (Pope Pius X 1907), and Divinis Redemptoris (Pope Pius XI 1937).
In Pascendi Dominici Gregis, the encyclical reads when referencing to the enemies of the Church, “they put their designs for her ruin into operation not from without but from within; hence, the danger is present almost in the very veins and heart of the Church.” The 1937 Divinis Redemptoris declares that “Communism is intrinsically wrong.” These are some expressions and concerns of the real Church. Pope Francis is a peripheral moral outsider, as his position towards Cuban communism displays.
©The Cuban American Voice. Originally published in @El American. All rights reserved.
🖋️Author Julio M. Shiling
Julio M. Shiling is a political scientist, writer, columnist, lecturer, media commentator, and director of Patria de Martí and The CubanAmerican Voice. He holds a master’s degree in Political Science from Florida International University (FIU) in Miami, Florida. He is a member of The American Political Science Association, The PEN Club (Cuban Writers in Exile Chapter) and the Academy of Cuban History in Exile.
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