‘Domestic Terrorism Bill’ Only Deals with the Right.
The left is now in control of all relevant levers of power in the American federal government. As predicted, they are moving forward at full throttle speed to establish hegemonic control.
To fully achieve this, significant opposition must be eliminated. This is exactly what the Democratic Party, now possessed by radical ideologues, is carrying out with the proxy Biden Administration. The fabrication of bogeymen “terrorists” and the linkage they are making between this convenient “enemy” and the vast conservative movement is the shameless strategy being currently employed by the left.
Democratic members from the House of Representatives have recently submitted H. R. 350 The Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act of 2021 (DTPA) in the lower chamber. DTPA is not really an antiterrorism bill. The fact is that the Section 2331(5) of the Federal Criminal Code already defines terrorism. The USA Freedom Act (2015), which replaced the Patriot Act (2001), furthermore, provides additional tools to combat domestic terrorism.
Antifa and Black Lives Matter fall outside the purview of the Domestic Terrorism Bill
“Domestic terrorism is wrong, irrespective of where it falls on the ideological spectrum. Yet, when analyzed objectively and drawing from empirical data, radicalism from the left presents a far greater danger to America”. (EFE)
DTPA is a left-wing radical attempt to achieve two fundamental goals: classify criminal activity along the lines of identity politics; and falsely mischaracterize and slander conservatives who voted for Donald Trump, criminalizing legitimate, constitutionally protected civic activity.
DTPA is ideologically and morally one-sided. “White supremacists”, “neo-Nazis”, and “White nationalists” are the only evil that the left seems to be concerned with, as per the language of this bill. It would instruct the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the Department of Justice (DOJ), and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to oversee, investigate, and prosecute domestic terrorism cases, on a preemptive basis, targeting these particular and exclusively identified groups. In addition to these agencies, it instructs the Secretary of Defense to partake in an “interagency taskforce”. The architects of this legal monstrosity have a total disregard for the concept of equality under the law and objective consideration for empirical evidence.
Since the Democrats sponsoring DTPA considered it important to itemize specific categories of would-be terrorists, it is appalling that there is no mention, whatsoever, of ultra-left terrorists’ movements like Antifa, Black Lives Matter, green ecoterrorists or anarchists. Additionally, there is not even any citing of Islamic fundamentalists. This is shameful and displays a brazen attempt to racially segment and scapegoat valid opposition to Marxist and Islamist movements, with marginalized groups of white supremist/nationalist/neo-Nazi, which are not representative of supporters of the 45th president.
In addition to attempting to redefine what “domestic terrorism” is, DTPA would require DHS, DOJ, and FBI to provide Congress with biannual assessment reports of suspected terrorist activities, prosecutions, etc., with a special focus on the exclusively mentioned targeted groups. These three agencies would also be required to purge public safety departments of suspected white supremist/nationalist/neo-Nazi sympathizers and their “infiltrations” of law enforcement agencies. In other words, DHS, DOJ, and FBI would be required to proactively spy on law enforcement, including their own agencies, for suspected potential “terrorists” as defined by the hard-core left.
The bill’s main sponsor is Representative Brad Schneider from Illinois (District 10). In addition, it has the explicit support of Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL), as well as being co-sponsored by Representatives Jerry Nadler (NY-10), Brian Fitzpatrick (PA-01), Robin Kelly (IL-02), Don Bacon (NE-01), Vicente González (TX-15), Fred Upton (MI-06) and Lou Correa (CA-46). Coincidently, none of these legislators have ever expressed similar heightened concerns about terrorism threats from Communist or Islamic terrorists. On the contrary, they have typically downplayed the left’s terrorist activities and have been more inclined to challenge counterterrorism measures and sanctions against leftist movements and regimes, both, domestic and global.
It is clear that there is a moral double-standard that is molded by ideology. Andy Ngo, the Vietnamese American journalist, editor-at-large of The Post Millennial and author, stressed this point superbly in a February 2nd interview on The Epoch Times’ program, “American Thought Leaders”. Ngo cited the broad coverage that the main street media has given to victims of identified terrorists acts committed by individuals understood as having a right-wing inclination versus those that were killed by far-left terrorism.
The name of Heather Heyer of the 2017 Charlottesville car attack is much more remembered than Aaron Danielson, the Trump supporter shot and killed in Portland, Oregon in 2020 by an Antifa member. Terrorist activity is also much more reported, as Ngo noted, when it is carried out by elements of the right. The Charleston church shooting on June 17, 2015 by neo-Nazi, Dylann Roof, received greater attention than the mass shooting at the Ned Peppers Bar in the Oregon District of Dayton, Ohio in 2019 by Connor Betts, an anarchist and Antifa sympathizer.
Domestic terrorism is wrong, regardless of where it falls on the ideological spectrum. Yet, when analyzed objectively drawing from empirical data, radicalism from the left presents a far greater danger to America. Terrorists acts carried out by individuals, like those highlighted by Ngo in his interview, have been committed by persons from both ideological extremes.
However, when measured as terrorist activity coordinated on a collective basis, left-wing movements have done considerably more damage than their right-wing counterparts. The $1 billion to $2 billion insurance damage claims, according to the Insurance Information Institute and Property Claim Services, were a direct result of the looting, vandalism, and arson carried by Marxist groups such as Black Lives Matter and Antifa during the spring and summer of 2020, in the over 637 protests/riots which were carried out in 140 American cities.
Axios correctly identified this as the worst “catastrophe” of its kind in U. S. history. There is no close comparison of any such lawless and subversive activity having been carried out against American democracy and capitalism by any “right-wing” organization or movement.
DTPA does not seek to combat “domestic terrorism”. It is merely a barefaced attempt to weaponize the nation’s principal law enforcement institutions against an “enemy” the left has fabricated. This is all about establishing the equivalent of a political police, something very prevalent in Communist and Fascist regimes. DTPA, its sponsors and supporters, are using this legal instrument in an effort to squelch dissent. The real target is the conservative movement that supported Trump. In other words, about half the country. The biggest threat of domestic terror in America appears to be those leftists in power today.
©The Cuban American Voice. Originally published in @El American. All rights reserved.
🖋️Author Julio M. Shiling
Julio M. Shiling is a political scientist, writer, columnist, lecturer, media commentator, and director of Patria de Martí and The CubanAmerican Voice. He holds a master’s degree in Political Science from Florida International University (FIU) in Miami, Florida. He is a member of The American Political Science Association, The PEN Club (Cuban Writers in Exile Chapter) and the Academy of Cuban History in Exile.
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